Wordle - Daily Word Challenge

One new word each day, six chances to guess, challenge your vocabulary!

🎮 Today's Word Challenge
Use keyboard to input your guess | Green means correct, Yellow means wrong position

About Wordle

Wordle is a globally popular word guessing game developed by Josh Wardle. Each day features a new five-letter word, and players have six attempts to guess it. The game is simple yet challenging, perfect for improving English vocabulary and logical thinking skills.

5 Letter Word
6 Guesses
1 Word Per Day

Game Rules

  • A new five-letter word each day
  • Six chances to guess the target word
  • Green squares indicate correct letter and position
  • Yellow squares indicate correct letter but wrong position
  • Gray squares indicate letter is not in the word

Game Tips

  • Start with common 5-letter words like: STARE, CRANE
  • Pay attention to confirmed letter positions
  • Use process of elimination
  • Track and analyze color feedback patterns